PDMT 2200

Design Your

Own Adventure

PDMT 2200: Global Learning Experience

Go Where You Want to Go

...and Get Course Credit!

If you're traveling with you family, friends or a community group, you can complete course work ​that transforms that experience into a learning experience. Did you know that when you navigate ​around a new city you are building skills that employers request? Did you realize you can learn ​history while eating a traditional meal? Did you know that the more people you meet, the more ​you will understand yourself? PDMT 2200 is an opportunity to grow academically, professionally ​and personally while you travel.

At a Glance

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Partner Institution

YOU! We can put you in contact with organizations that specialize in student travel ​(see “Other Opportunities” for a few examples), but any travel for a minimum of 7 days ​can work.


Your choice

Number of Courses

1 course that can only be completed once. Course requires instructor approval.

Course Category

GenEd electives and Major electives

Class Eligibility

Currently enrolled at Piedmont with 15 hours completed and in good standing at ​Piedmont.

Minimum GPA


Language Pre-requisite


Language of Instruction


Course Pre-requisite(s)



Piedmont Tuition (3 credit hours)

*Financial Aid may apply. Please see Financial Aid for your specific costs.

Included in Cost


Program Capacity


Program Contact

Dr. Susanna Warnock (swarnock@piedmont.edu)

Application Deadline

2 weeks prior to travel departure

Course Description

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As you travel with your family, friends or a community group, you will be busy sight-seeing or ​serving the local community. PDMT 2200 requires that you intentionally seek out opportunities ​to learn academically and professionally. You will be guided through several reflective activities ​that are designed not to interfere with your travel itinerary, but to help you transform the ​experience into a learning experience.

Prior to Leaving:

  • Prepare to get the most out of the experience by reading selected articles and books.
  • Do background research on your host country.
  • Set your academic, professional and personal goals.
  • Establish an action plan for reaching your goals.

While Traveling:

  • Maintain a journal with your responses to prompt questions, such as:
    • What's a difficult situation you have faced while traveling? How did you overcome the ​challenge?
    • What is a typical meal experience in your host country and how does it differ from your ​family's experience?
  • Complete 3 challenges, such as:
    • Find a statue and learn everything you can about the subject of the statue. Why was this ​person selected to be honored with a statue and why is the statue in that location?
    • Ask your host family, a waiter at a restaurant or someone in a local market for a recipe for ​their (or your) favorite traditional dish. Keep a copy of it and try to make it when you get ​home. Think about why the dish includes its specific ingredients.
    • Attend a religious ceremony in your host country. What is most sacred to the people in ​that area? How do they express their devotion?

After Returning:

  • Present a post-travel summary of what you learned and experienced.

Next Steps

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before departure

Talk to your Piedmont Advisors about your circumstances.

  • Financial Aid can help you nail down the exact cost of the course for you.
  • Your Academic Advisor can identify how the course fits into your overall graduation plan.
  • Career Services will give you advice about how to make the most of your experience. Travel study is a great way to build employable skills and begin to fill up your resume. Having a plan before you leave is the best way to get the most out of the experience.

Complete a Course Request Form

  • Let the Director of Travel Study know that you would like to take the course. Your travel plans and academic plan will be evaluated to make sure you qualify for the course.